Credit mother nature's vertebrates for the invention of the lubricant. Bones that work together damage each other due to friction, and nature was good enough to develop cartilage to counter its damaging effects (ex. jaw and skull). Lubricants works the same way as cartilages, minimizing the damage between two parts of a machine that works together.
Lubricants is an oil used for lubrication of various internal combustion engines. The main function is to lubricate moving parts. It also cleans, inhibits corrosion, improves sealing, and cools the engine. Motor oils are derived from petroleum-based and non-petroleum-synthesized chemical compounds.
Lubricants is an oil used for lubrication of various internal combustion engines. The main function is to lubricate moving parts. It also cleans, inhibits corrosion, improves sealing, and cools the engine. Motor oils are derived from petroleum-based and non-petroleum-synthesized chemical compounds.
Motor Oil - It is the oil being changed in "change oil" service. The functions of this oil is to lubricate the motor to reduce friction on the machine's parts; and clean up residue and regulate heat on the engine. Impurities build up on the oil, so it is recommended to change it once every 3000 kilometer mileage. If you ever wonder why drivers pull out a stick from the engine, it is because he wants to check this oil.
Gear/Transmission Oil - It lubricates the transmission gears, failure to keep this oil up in vehicles destroys its clutch. It differs from motor oil due to a higher viscosity (liquid's ability to resist force). It is used on manual transmissions. The difference between this oil and the former (motor oil) is that this oil does not have to deal with heat.
Transmission Fluid - A brightly colored oil used to lubricate the transmission of A/T (automatic transmission) vehicles. Usually comes with a dipstick just behind the engine. It is lighter and more refined than gear oil.
Wheel bearing and chassis grease - Oil referred to in the service "greasing". This oil is found in the suspension and steering joints. If you hear sqeaking sounds while turning the wheel, you need this.
Gear/Transmission Oil - It lubricates the transmission gears, failure to keep this oil up in vehicles destroys its clutch. It differs from motor oil due to a higher viscosity (liquid's ability to resist force). It is used on manual transmissions. The difference between this oil and the former (motor oil) is that this oil does not have to deal with heat.
Transmission Fluid - A brightly colored oil used to lubricate the transmission of A/T (automatic transmission) vehicles. Usually comes with a dipstick just behind the engine. It is lighter and more refined than gear oil.
Wheel bearing and chassis grease - Oil referred to in the service "greasing". This oil is found in the suspension and steering joints. If you hear sqeaking sounds while turning the wheel, you need this.